ArchiMate© for Solution Architects
Delivered by TOGAF©, ArchiMate©, Sparx Systems Certified Consultants
Duration: 3 days – Virtual Learning and mentorship led by Practice Leader and Sparx SME
This focused hands-on course reveals the importance of reusing TOGAF©, ArchiMate©, BiZBoK©, ITABoK knowledge methods and techniques. Work directly with a practice leader using the provided Digital Let’s Practice eBook, Case Study, and Architecture Repository to improve your productivity techniques. The course contains 30% theory and 70% practical hands-on experience to apply the theory to practice and become confident using Enterprise Architect.
The purpose of an Enterprise Architecture capability is to identify and manage the people, process, and elements of an organization. All elements need to be clearly understood and available in an interactive model which is used to evaluate existing operations and manage change over time. The advantages that result from an effective enterprise architecture practice bring important benefits, which are highly visible.
TOGAF 9.1© and ArchiMate 3.1© are industry standards and methods for developing Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise Architect and TOGAF© are leading tools for assisting in the development, reporting, and maintenance of architectures. TOGAF is based on a process model supported by best practices and a re-usable set of existing architectural resources that save large amounts of time that guarantee risk reduction and value creation.
This comprehensive mission tested course pragmatically reveals how to perform Architecture Development. ArchiMate© for IT Architects provides IT Architects and senior level engineers with the skills and training they need to do effective Solution Architecture. This course integrates best practices from the TOGAF® standard for enterprise architecture, the ArchiMate® Specification for architecture modeling and the BABoK®, BIZBoK® for enterprise business architecture – all supported by the most powerful modeling Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.
This course will teach students how to deliver a solution architecture using Enterprise Architect using numerous Let’s Practice workshops. Whether you are an IT engineer aspiring to become a solution architect, a project team tasked with implementing new IT capabilities, or a seasoned IT architect looking for practical guidance on how to leverage Enterprise Architect effectively, the practice sessions will reveal how to save time while increasing quality. Understand and apply TOGAF Architecture Development Method for IT architecture projects.
- Practice how to align the Business Layer with the Application Layer using the ArchiMate® Notation
- Practice how to use Enterprise Architect for Application Portfolio Management
- Practice how to use Enterprise Architect for Migration and Transformation Projects
- Learn to leverage a fully configured tailorable TOGAF Architecture Repository
- Interact with reuse content to understand traceability across all architecture landscapes
- Develop high-level process architectures
- Develop the Application Landscape diagram and associated requirements
- Create numerous diagrams using effective best practice patterns and stencils
- Develop the Data Landscape diagram and associated requirements
- Apply architecture and modeling skills to a real-world IT initiative
- Become confident in your understanding and practices when using Sparx Enterprise Architect
Our expert instructors work closely with every student to personally ensure they fully grasp every lesson plan during the numerous Let’s Practice hands-on workshops sessions and long after the course to mentor and ensure that your TOGAF® or Archimate® Certification is achieved. Learn by doing and build your Enterprise Architecture practice.

- Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Certification
- Certificate of Education Credits
Anyone who needs to comprehend the TOGAF® Architecture Development Method (ADM) and learn by doing
- To learn the TOGAF® ADM by doing hands-on practice and pass the exam and to become TOGAF® Certified
- To become proficient to perform ArchiMate® modeling and learning the notation to become Archimate® Certified
- To evaluate Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect for Architecture Development prior to full adoption
- Anyone who needs to find a rewarding and highly interesting career for the digital future
Our training leverages standards. What students will learn is how to apply lean standards using the Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect architecture repository that deliver value and reduce risk by modeling before building. Experience insights and techniques with a watchful eye of a highly skilled Archimate certified TOGAF® Architect, who is directly involved in many successful consulting engagements using lean standards, tools, and techniques. Build your team, tool skills, and techniques. You’ll experience hands-on learning doing one iteration of the TOGAF® Architecture Development Method:
Getting Started
- Introduction
- Login to the EA Repository – Let’s Practice!
- What’s an Enterprise Architecture Repository!
- Configuring Enterprise Architect
- Modeling Best Practices
- START – Search the Model – Let’s Practice!
- DESIGN – Master EA Modeling – Let’s Practice!
- LAYOUT - Themes and Appearance – Let’s Practice!
- DEVELOP – Database Modeling
- PUBLISH – Publish Documentation
- SIMULATE – Business Process Simulation
- SPECIALIZE - Microsoft Office Integration
- CONSTRUCT – Kanban
- EXECUTE - Code Execution
- CONFIGURE – Security, Groups, Permissions
- Enterprise Architect –Share, Engage, Collaborate
Strategy & Motivation
- Leveraging Business Architecture best practices
- What does success look like?
- Establish the architecture project – Let’s Practice!
- Stakeholder Analysis - Let’s Practice!
- Confirm drivers and goals – Let’s Practice!
- In Scope Capabilities
- Confirm Business Principles – Let’s Practice!
- Define the Architecture Vision
- Define the target business case
- Identify transformation risks and mitigation strategy
- Establish the transformation Communication Plan!
- Generate the Transformation Project Vision Document – Let’s Practice!
Business Layer
- Business Architecture best practices
- Leveraging Reuse Knowledge & Patterns
- Strategy and Motivation
- Stakeholder Analysis - – Let’s Practice!
- Business Scenario
- In Scope Capabilities – Let’s Practice!
- Business Goals – Let’s Practice!
- Business Drivers – Let’s Practice!
- Business Outcomes – Let’s Practice!
- Value Stream – Let’s Practice!
- Process Collaboration – Let’s Practice!
- Business Service Model
- Business Requirements – Let’s Practice!
- Define roadmap components
- Resolve Impacts & Traceability – Let’s Practice!
- Generate Reports - Let’s Practice!
- Conduct formal stakeholder review
Application Layer
- Solution Architecture best practices
- Select Reuse Frameworks – Let’s Practice!
- Solution Architecture Overview
- Business Footprint – Let’s Practice!
- Reuse Catalogs – Let’s Practice!
- Application Landscape – Let’s Practice!
- Architecture Requirements – Let’s Practice!
- Data Landscape – Let’s Practice!
- Define roadmap components
- Resolve Impacts & Traceability – Let’s Practice!
- Generate Reports – Let’s Practice!
- Conduct formal stakeholder review
Technology Layer
- Technology Architecture best practices
- Select Reuse Frameworks
- Technology Architecture Overview
- Stakeholder Views
- Reuse Catalogs – Let’s Practice!
- Deployment Layer – Let’s Practice!
- Architecture Requirements – Let’s Practice!
- Define roadmap components
- Resolve Impacts & Traceability – Let’s Practice
- Generate Reports- Let’s Practice!
- Conduct formal stakeholder review
Implementation & Migration
- Determine business constraints for implementation
- Review and consolidate gap analysis results
- Review IT requirements from a capability perspective
- Reconcile interoperability requirements
- Create portfolio and project charters
- Identify and group major work packages
- Assign a business value to each project
- Estimate resource requirements and timing
- Prioritize the migration projects
- Confirm Transition Architecture increments/phases
- Generate the Architecture Implementation Roadmap
- Confirm Scope and priorities for deployment
- Identify deployment resources and skills
- Guide development of solutions deployment
- Perform post-implementation reviews
Experience the most comprehensive Training available when you schedule your next event from INTEGRATE IT. Learn from highly experienced consultant trainers who reveal proven industry best practices and prepares you or your team to become highly skilled and confident in your use of Enterprise Architect. Please contact me immediately if you have any problems with your installation or course readiness. or call 1 (541) 645-0016

Consultant, Trainer, TOGAF and Sparx Systems Certified Enterprise Architect Ramsay Millar has delivered over 1,100 business and technology modeling project assignments and trained over 4,000 business architects, business analysts, enterprise architects, agile project managers, solution architects and software engineers since 2001. The professionals Ramsay has mentored appreciate his common sense, wide industry skills, and the direct experience he brings to the show.
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Use a Browser to access the supplied Practice Lead eBook on Device 1 (dual screen, PC, or Tablet) to view, search, print, and make notes on your personal eBook. The Let’s Practice hands-on eBookcontains practical steps to follow amd deliver your next project using Enterprise Architect. Your eBook is linked to the EA Case Study.

Download and install the supplied EA Case study to your Desktop on a Windows 10 (Enterprise Architect enabled PC). The EA Case Study and additional course resources contain everything you need to get started including re-useable Repository, Project ad Document Templates, Diagram Stencils, and real-world consulting Case Study examples.
“Congrats and we who have taken a Ramsay Millar class know his superior technical education skills. Content, delivery, and real-world practical application of what you learn is his hallmark. INTEGRATE IT Inc. is so fortunate to have such a professional on staff for so long. When you have Ramsay as a mentor and instructor, you are a student for life, and you resolve the toughest issues together. Thank you, Ramsay; I am so grateful to be a student of your work. I hope soon the world will see the value of your work and why it is the cornerstone of digital transformation—looking for the 25th year!"
– Patrick Simon, Beehive Consulting
“Even though Enterprise Architect is an extremely powerful tool and more feature rich than all the competing products we have reviewed in our RFP, it is hard to apply it without proper mentorship delivered by Ramsay Millar." – Marc Ginns, Chief Enterprise Architect, Duke Energy
Enterprise Architect, Duke Energy